E-mail forms -- long text not wrapping

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DISCLAIMER: This article involves Advanced Customizations, which can be technically challenging to get working and is not part of standard support.  This is programming and must be done precisely or the results can be unpredictable.  This information is provided as a service for those who have the technical skills to work through it -- we cannot help you solve any issues with getting it working.  For more information about Advanced Customizations, see the full documentation:





Q:  When creating a custom E-mail Form with the new "fixed pitch" format (introduced in version 9.1), long paragraphs don't "wrap" and show all on one line. Printing an email with a long line makes the text become very small. We can, of course, add the line breaks ourselves to the text, but it would be good to have text elements that wrap, leaving the transactions and address sections in the fixed <pre> format.


A: This can be resolved a couple ways (these involve editing a custom Form in Advanced Customizations):


1. In any of the Form Elements that have long text, check the "Auto-wrap" option at the bottom.  It will automatically insert line breaks according to the Form's "Character columns" setting (make sure you have it set to around 70 or 80 Characters).


2. Since HTML is supported, you can use your own manual HTML formatting, so the <pre> tag is only used around the table,  This of course requires some HTML coding knowledge, but you can import the sample "Sample Forms - E-mail confirmation with trans, logo (HTML)" to see how manual HTML formatting is done.  See the article "Adding a logo" later in this newsletter for more details.




Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/e-mailforms-longtextnotw.html

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