Filter available Sites by Rig Type

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Q: How can I make it filter so New Reservation only shows sites that allow trailers, if that's what the customer has for Rig Type?


A: You can't filter specifically by the Rig Type field, but you can set up an attribute.


This would be similar to adding an Attribute to use in the Rates -- renaming an attribute to something like "Have trailer".  See this article, but only steps 1 and 2 apply:


In addition, you would need to enable and rename the same Attrib_ field under  Maintenance / Data Field Definitions / Site fields (e.g. rename it to "Allow Trailer"), so you can select which sites allow them.  Then go through Site Details for each site, under More Attributes, and set that to Yes for each site that does allow trailers.


Now you can select that Attribute on New Reservation when needed to show only sites that allow trailers.


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