Moving the database to public documents

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Q: After I upgraded to Windows Vista, Campground Master shows this message when I start up: "The data base you're opening seems to be in a location that some users of this computer may not be able to access, and you may have trouble writing to it your self.   Would you like to copy to public documents ?"  It doesn't sound safe, so should I do this?


A: Yes, you should tell it to move the database to Public Documents. This is just the name of a folder on your computer, and it's only public in the sense that other users that log in to your computer can access it (unless of course you've specifically set it to be a shared folder on your network).  It doesn't mean that the data is accessible to the world.  Under Vista's new ultra-strict protections, the database must be located in Public Documents or else Campground Master won't be able to write changes to it.


Note: If it doesn't ask this when you start up, then you can also go to Maintenance / Database Maintenance and select the option to "Move the database...".


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