Moving sites without splitting

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If you split a long-term reservation to move the customer to a different site in the middle of their stay, it may not auto-calculate each part the way you want.  So you may want to move the whole reservation instead of splitting it.  However, it won't let you do this if there used to be someone in the other site during any part of the reservation's date range (it reports a conflict), even if they've already checked out.


While we don't generally recommend this procedure, there is a way to handle a special case like this.  One of our customers actually discovered this trick before we thought of it.


Note that this assumes you have version 3.5 or later, and it also assumes that you always use the Check Out function on past reservations rather than just leaving them with a "Checked In" status.


1. Go to Maintenance / Program Options / Reservations, and check the option "Make checked-out sites immediately available....".

2. Now you can move the entire reservation to the new site without a conflict (any past checked-out reservations will be ignored), assuming of course that there aren't any conflicts in the future either.

3. You can disable the option in step 1 again if you prefer to see the checked-out reservations on the Rack.


Note also that if you do change the option back to disabled in step 3 and then try to make any changes to the reservation details or dates later, that will trigger a conflict-check and could prevent the changes.



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