Paid-Thru date getting set to the Last Night incorrectly

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(From Newsletter #46, Sept 10, 2018)

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Q:  Sometimes, e.g. for weeklies and monthlies, the paid-thru date is set to the end of their stay instead of what they're paying for.  Why does that happen and how to fix it?


A:  There is a setting under Maintenance / Program Options / Functions, "Automatically set paid-thru date when a reservation is paid in full", which is probably set that causes it to happen -- bu there is more to it than that.  This option is usually desirable, so we don't recommend disabling that.


However, if you're manually adding charges for only part of a stay, and they pay that balance in full, Campground Master sets the Reservation as paid in full (assuming that option is set) because it has no way of knowing the time period you've entered charges for, and thus is has to assume you've added charges for the full stay as usual.


To avoid it, assuming you want to keep that automatic option enabled, you need to either:


1. Enter the charges for the whole stay, not just part (so they aren't paying in full, in which case you have to manually set the paid-thru date), or...


2. Don't make the reservation's Last Night all the way out -- only set the Last Night to what they're being Charged for (and paying for).  That way it will automatically set the Paid-Thru correctly to that Last Night.  You can use the "Block To" date to block the site for them for the remainder of their expected stay, and adjust the Last Night each time they pay another portion.


Monthlies do have some other considerations, but ONLY if you set the Reservation Type to "Monthly".  A detailed explanation was added to the manual recently:



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