The "Record List" Dialog |
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A generic "Record List" dialog template is defined that can be used with User-defined Tables.
To invoke this dialog, use the ShowRecordList expression function in a Menu definition. It will show a typical record-list function (like Sites Setup and similar dialogs) complete with functions to Add, Insert, Delete, Copy, Move Up/Down, Import and Export, and Print List. An "Edit Generic Record" add-on dialog should also be defined for the same User-defined Table, which will be used when the Add/Edit functions are used on this Record List dialog.
You also need to provide a list of field ID's to include in the list (each field will be a column in the list). The complete syntax of using this dialog is:
ShowRecordList(cTableName, cFieldList [, bAllowAdd [, bAllowDelete]]
Example using a user-defined "Children" table and showing the first and last names, allowing adding but not deleting:
ShowRecordList("Children", "User_Child_First,User_Child_Last,User_Child_Last", .T., .F.)
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