Automatically adding an online reservation fee

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Q. Can it automatically add a charge for an online reservation fee to reservations made through Hercules (or other online reservations)?


A. Assuming you're using Auto-rates to add charges in general (that's the only way any charges would be "automatically" added to the reservations from Hercules, as explained in the documentation), you can create an Add-on rate that adds the fee if the "Online ID" field is non-blank.  This is done using the Advanced Condition Expression in the Rate definition.  Just enter this exactly as shown in the Advanced Condition Expression:


   Resv:Resv_Online_Request_ID != ""


That will effectively add the rate any time the online ID is not empty, which should be the case for any reservations made online.


For more details, see Auto-Rates and Rates Setup in the documentation.



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