Installing on a separate computer for backup, viewing, or reporting

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Q: Can I put Campground Master on another computer, e.g. for viewing only, without networking them or affecting the main system?


A: You can copy your database and open it on another computer.  As long as you don't to the Network Setup on that computer, it will remain separate.  This is often done as a backup or for reporting purposes or for offline training.


Since they won't be networked, it will appear to operate on the new computer the same way as on your main computer -- logins will work, you can make changes, etc. -- but nothing you do on that computer will appear on your main computer  (and vice versa) since it's not synchronizing.  They are independent instances using separate databases, and there will not be any way to synchronize the changes between them (which is presumably what you prefer, to avoid accidentally changing something on your main system).


For the details, see this information on copying to a new computer (the process is the same as if transferring to a new computer):


IMPORTANT:  If you use Hercules for online reservations, you must make sure it doesn't try to synchronize from this computer.  Go into Maintenance / Online Reservations / Hercules / Hercules Setup, Operations tab, and check Never poll from this computer, regardless of its workstation ID.



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