Fixes implemented
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Problems that were considered significant functional issues are noted in bold print.

·Don't allow editing a processed credit card payment amount, even by administrators.  
·Allow using "Delete" from Customer Details when opened directly from the Rack.  
·On the POS Edit Inventory dialog, disable the Add quantity button if the operator's access shouldn't allow it.  
·Changed the New Reservation dialog to take the requested Blocked-To date into account when showing available sites.  
·Adjusted the 3" receipt formatting so the "Change Due" is always shown on a separate line (in some cases it wasn't, e.g. when a generic text printer driver was used).  
·Fixed New Reservation dialog so it doesn't check the Blocked-To box every time a customer ID is selected. (It will also go through all old reservations and make sure blocked-to isn't set inappropriately). This was a new bug in version 3.1.  
·Only show the "Site is unavailable for the selected dates" warning if changes to a reservation (through Reservation Details) include date or status changes that might affect this. In other words, avoid the warning if it's not necessary.  
·Fixed Email confirmations so the customer's Country is shown instead of showing the City/State/Zip twice  
·When adding scheduled (hourly) reservations as sub-members, don't use the beginning period of the start date if you double-click the grid -- instead it starts on the period double-clicked.  
·When doing a New Reservation for scheduled (hourly) reservations, if you change the start or end period manually and then double-click to select a site, use the changed values instead of the double-clicked period.  
·Made the Site Details display faster by not filling in the site front/back/left/right lists unless those fields are enabled  
·POS -- Fixed the Program Options / POS options so that it saves the setting for automatically re-opening the Sales Entry dialog when Campground Master closes.  
·POS -- Allow Void and Return functions even if Delete is not allowed for the current operator.  
·Fixed Payments Due tab to remember Options settings for Paid Thru and Unpaid Nights fields.  
·If a database is opened directly from Explorer, for instance by double-clicking on a database file, don't make it the new default (assume it's just temporary, e.g. opening a backup).  
·When entering credit card payments (and processing through Campground Master), charge the correct Amount Tendered if a value is entered there by mistake (instead of in Amount to Pay).  
·If the current Windows user doesn't have permission to delete files in the database folder, try the old 'direct' method of saving the database instead of failing with an error message.  
·Fixed the Transactions Receipts by Category report distribution for negative payments (e.g. returned checks), so it doesn't double the category amounts of the original payment. Note -- this could affect totals in reports for previous dates, as compared with reports in previous versions!  
·Fixed so the negative-charges access level isn't required to enter discounts that are taxed (because it resulted in negative taxes).  
·Fix auto-rate recalculations so any memo transactions in the rate isn't added repeatedly.  
·Fix Rates Setup so a memo can be made printable (by changing the Category for the memo).  
·Added an FTP settings option (for Export to Web uploads) for "passive transfer" mode, and turn off by default, so that it works with FTP servers that don't support passive transfer.  
·Fixed networking lock on the Transaction tab's Summary Options and More Filters dialogs (so these functions can be accessed from multiple workstations at once).  

·Made several corrections to the Receipts by Category report. Now includes a "Deposit" category, where all deposits will go until they're applied to charges. Then the amount will be deducted form the Deposits category and put into the proper charge categories. (So it works the same way as exporting to QuickBooks.) This is separate from the Uncategorized amount, to help clarify the report.  
·Don't automatically grab the customer's Discount every time it auto-calculates or transactions are edited. (This was making it impossible to clear the Discount Used field for a reservation.) Now it will retain whatever discount is selected in the Reservation Details. If the Customer discount is changed, it will prompt for whether this should affect current reservations, so you can decide whether to apply it to the reservations or not.  

·Don't allow network connections with the same ID as the master workstation.  
·If a discount transaction is in an auto-rate even though no discount selection is required, don't require a discount type selection.  

·Fixed Select Rates for meter rates to use the current date instead of reservation dates for auto-selecting the rates to show.  
·Don't reset the Rack view to "today" when Show Range is unchecked.