Online Setup - Site Data Fields
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This function opens a dialog to set up fields for each site which are specific to online reservation handling. The fields are listed in a grid format, like in Raw Data tables, because it's very helpful to edit them as a group and see the overall view.

Only the online data fields that are enabled will be shown -- so if you just see an empty list, you haven't enabled any of the expected fields (through Maintenance / Data Field Definitions / Sites). Of course this might not be a problem, depending on which online functions you need to use and which fields are required.

To change fields values, just edit them directly in the grid. Some values will be drop-down lists, depending on the type of field. You can also use copy/paste functions to copy a value to one or more fields.

WARNING -- any changes made here are instant and non-reversible, just like raw data tables. There is no Cancel or Undo function here.

Field Descriptions

Some basic field information is given here, but refer to the examples for more detail. Also refer to the Online Reservations Setup -- Data Fields Used section to see which fields you should enable.

For E-mail request processing:

Email Req. ID -- The site name or number you expect in E-mail requests for this site, which can be different than the Site Name for the sites. For instance, the name might be "RV Site 1", but in the E-mail requests it might be shown as "RV1".  
E-mail Req. Site Type -- If requests will be made by the type of site rather than specific site numbers, you can set this to the expected value from the E-mail requests.  

For Exporting to a web vacancy grid (on your own web site):

Exclude from Export to Web -- Set this to "Yes" if you want to exclude the site from the online vacancy grid. "No" and blank have the same result.  
Export to Web Release Days -- Specify how many days ahead of time that the site should be removed from online availability. Leave it blank if it should always be considered available for both online and offline reservations. Enter 0 if it should never be available offline (locally), and always available for online reservations. See the section Online Connections -- General for more information on release days.  

For Reservation Friend processing:

Res. Friend ID -- The site name or number you expect in the E-mail reservation data for this site, which can be different than the Site Name for the sites. For instance, the name might be "RV Site 1", but in the Reservation Friend data it might be shown as "RV1". Naturally these must match up with the information you set up on the Reservation Friend service. Note that this only has to be entered for the sites you make available for reservations on Reservation Friend. Leave it blank for sites not listed in their online service.  
Res. Friend Release Days -- Specify how many days ahead of time that the site should be removed from online availability. This should agree with the configuration in your Reservation Friend account! Leave it blank if it should always be considered available for offline reservations (e.g. for sites not set up on Reservation Friend). Enter 0 if it should never be available offline (locally), and always available for online reservations (e.g. if it's never released from Reservation Friend even on the current day). See the section Online Connections -- General for more information on release days.  

For Webervations requests and availability upload:

Webervations Name -- This is the "Room Name" from Webervations for this site. It doesn't have to be unique for each site -- for instance it could be more like a site type, if you're not setting up Webervations to be site-specific. It must of course match the room name given for the site on Webervations, but for instance you can specify on Webervations that the room "Cabin" has 20 units available. Thus you would enter "Cabin" as the Name here (and ID, below) for all 20 cabins.  
Webervations ID -- This should be the same as the Webervations Name to work properly with the availability upload for Webervations.  
Webervations Class -- This is the "Unit Class" from Webervations. Often this is just "Default", but if you have multiple classes set up then enter the appropriate value here.  

Exclude from Webervations -- Set this to "Yes" if you want to exclude the site from Webervations availability. "No" and blank have the same result.  
Webervations Release Days -- Specify how many days ahead of time that the site should be removed from online availability. Leave it blank if it should always be considered available for both online and offline reservations. Enter 0 if it should never be available offline (locally), and always available for online reservations. See the section Online Connections -- General for more information on release days.