Changes implemented
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Changes that are significant new functionality or important to know about are noted in bold print.

·Added "Open previous database" option to the File menu, with the last 20 database names and locations. This can help recover the proper database for instance if Save As is use improperly.  
·Added more fields to the On Site tab view (customer address fields, rig & car color fields).  
·Show the proper column heading text for rig and car color, model, and license fields (according to the field names in Data Field Definitions)  
·Added a "Test" function in the SMTP setup dialog, for easier setup.  
·Added a Site data validation check -- checks for duplicate site names or abbreviations, or blank full name, site type, site class or park selection. This check is done when starting up (until you tell it to skip the test), and any time changes are made to Site Details. These problems could have been in your database from the beginning if the sites were not set up completely, and should be fixed for proper functioning of the program. While you can skip this test when starting up, it won't allow you to edit or add sites with these errors without fixing the errors.  
·Added an Access Level setting for whether a reservation can be made on a site if the site is unavailable for any of the reservation dates.  
·Importing Reservations -- Allow more flexibility in the data format for dates and rig length (e.g. for Digital Rez and Campground Manager database imports). Also check for duplicate reservations when importing, import the Time-Made along with Date-made of found in the same field, and set the Check-In and Check-Out dates according to the actual reservation in and out dates.  
·Added columns for Deposits, Auto-charges and Auto-balance on some tab views. These will auto-calculate the expected charges or balance after any existing deposit, if you have auto-rates enabled. Only shows this for future (pending/confirmed/guaranteed) reservations or checked-in reservations, except Owner reservations, checked-in Monthly reservations, or reservations with Auto-calculations disabled.  
·E-mail confirmations, SMTP E-mail -- added options in SMTP setup to get the actual "from" address and name from the corresponding Park record for the reservation's site (or from the default park selected in Printing Options / Receipts, if sending E-mail other than a confirmation letter). This allows E-mails to come "from" the correct park in multiple-park setups.  
·If no Taxes have been set up, the Tax button will not be shown on the Reservation Transactions dialog or Edit Rate Definition dialog.  
·Added a link to the Quick-Start Guide in the Help menu, for new users.  
·In the Network Setup, moved the "Request a full database when connected" option to the Diagnostics tab (to discourage setting the option unless required)  
·Added Access Level settings for Viewing Customer Details and for Editing/Adding Customers.  
·If a site is unavailable for certain dates, the Rack and Map pop-up tips for the unavailable days will show any Notes from its Site Details.  
·When a processed credit card payment is selected in a Transactions or POS dialog, the "Delete selected Item(s)" button changes to a "Void Selected CC Item" button (functionally the same, just clarification).  
·POS -- Allow selecting a customer or reservation for a POS sale directly from the POS dialog (e.g. to add it on their account), and show the current one selected. Also if re-opening a POS transaction (e.g. from the Transactions tab view or Find Receipt function) that was for a reservation or customer originally, give the option of showing it in the POS dialog or the normal Transactions entry dialog -- so that returns can be handled better for these sales (through the POS dialog, which was not an option before).  
·POS -- Receipts printed from the POS dialog will include the customer or reservation information if appropriate. It will not show other customer or reservation transactions or balance, only the POS transactions.  
·POS -- Added the shortcut Alt-. (Alt key with the period key) to open the POS sales entry dialog, either from the main screen or from Reservation / Customer Transactions.  
·POS -- Added some Access Level settings for allowing POS transactions from customer or reservation the transactions dialog, and for adding such transactions to the customer or reservation account without paying in full at the time of sale.  
·Added an Access Level setting for allowing Unbound transactions to have a non-zero balance (defaults to Manager).  
·Added Access Level settings for nearly all maintenance functions that were limited to Administrators.  
·In the Transactions tab, More Filters -- added Transactions filtering by Workstation(s) for networked installations, so reports can be created specific to a workstation (to help in balancing the cash drawers, etc.)  
·In Reservation Details, added the buttons +1D, +1W, and +1M (like in New Reservations) to make extending reservations easier.  
·Changed the Park Setup / Sites function to use a new dialog, similar to the Rates Setup dialog -- it shows the site names, etc. in a list, with functions to Add, Edit, Insert, Move, Copy, Delete, and Add Multiple sites. This eliminates having to use Raw Data Tables for some of these functions. Adding or Editing a site will use the same Site Details as before, so this is actually an intermediate function added in between for easier sites manipulation.  
·In Customer Details, if the last name is changed for an existing customer, warn about changing the customer's master record and suggest using "Change to a different customer" instead.  
·Allow adding a new customer (instead of only selecting an existing one) for Customer Transactions or POS sales.  
·Reservation Details - When changing the customer, don't automatically try to add one if the Find function is cancelled -- use the separate Add button in Find Customer if a new one is needed.  
·New Reservation - The Last Name field will be disabled if an existing customer is selected, or when a new one is added and saved (due to going to Customer Details), to prevent accidental editing (and as a hint that you shouldn't change the information here if you're just wanting to pick a different customer). Allow selecting a different one using "Find / Change Customer", as well as adding a new one through the Find/Change Customer function.  
·Added an option on the Rack to show "XXXX" instead of names for occupied sites, so you can print an availability chart without names.  
·Added "Sites" selection option for Rates, so a rates can be defined for individual sites without creating a separate Site Type for each one.  
·Put "or:" in front of Site Class and Site buttons in Edit Rate Definition, trying to make it more clear that they don't have to be set if Site Type is selective enough.  
·Added an option to warn if a previous reservation hasn't been checked out, when checking a new reservation in. See Maintenance / Program Options / Prompts.  
·Added an access level for whether to allow checking in a new reservation if the previous one is not checked out.  
·Added an option to allow checked out reservations to count as "available" -- remove them from the Rack, don't count as a conflict if you make another reservation starting the same day. Primarily useful if you have people check out the same day (instead of the next morning) and need to make the site available for another person the same day.  
·Added access levels for allowing Tax, Charge, Deposit, and Xfer transactions to be entered (manually).  
·Changed File / Open and File / Save As so they never alter the default auto-open database (with one exception), to prevent problems of accidentally changing the default database. The only time the auto-open database is changed is the very first time Save As is used (e.g. if no auto-open database has been set yet).  
·Added a function in Program Options / Database to change the auto-open database to the current database file. This is now the only way to override the default database once it's set.  
·When a New Database is done, ask for the database name immediately and start using that as the default database, so Save As doesn't need be done, and it's saved where it should be (the Campground Master program folder).  
·Added an auto-rates option to assume that canceled reservations should have no charges (all existing auto-charges refunded).  
·Show a warning/verification prompt when making a reservation for a customer with the "Warning flag" set.  
·Show more complete error information for online communications errors.  
·Added some new access level settings for whether an operator can view quick-info pop-ups, and view transaction history.  
·Allow showing details for Receipts by Category transaction reports. It will show the interpolated transaction details so you can see where the reported numbers are combing from (and go into the reservation's transactions, etc. to correct problems). Interpolated information is shown in grey to indicate that it's not "real" transactions, only calculated amounts derived from the transactions.  
·Added a "Reports" item to the Transactions menu for convenience. This is the same as going to the Transactions tab view and Summary Options, but this makes it more obvious for beginning users.  
·Online Reservations - Parsing Sets -- added a Copy Rule function to the Parsing Sets setup dialog.  
·Online Reservations - Parsing Sets -- When listing the rules, show a "+" after the field descriptor to indicate "Append" type rules.  
·Added Move Up and Move Down functions to Transaction History (through Reservation or Customer Details). This allows re-ordering transactions if needed, for instance if entering an older transaction you can move it up to a more logical place in their history. This will affect receipts accordingly, and it can also affect the allocation of payments in the Receipts by Category report. (For instance you can move charges up above the corresponding payment so that it allocates the payment more accurately, e.g. if the payment was entered first.)  
·Added an option to include a column for the Workstation number in the Transactions tab detail view. (Only useful if networked.)  
·Added customer notes to the warning-flag verification prompt.  
·Online Reservations -- check for duplicate customers immediately when saving the reservation, and also check for the duplicate having the Warning flag set.  
·Added a "Clear all Selected" button to pick-list-selection dialogs (e.g. when choosing Site Types in Edit Rate Definition).  
·Include Misc. Income and Expense transactions in the "Receipts by Payment Method" and "Receipts by Category" Quick-Reports.  
·Added more descriptive information about the Master's IP address in Network Setup.  
·Allow imported or online reservation dates to be in the long format, like "July 5, 2005".  
·Allow imported or online reservation dates to use periods as separators, like "5.28.05".  
·Online reservations - Parsing Sets -- show the rules in an easier to read grid, and allow multiple selection for move, copy and delete functions. Also added an Insert function.  
·Added a warning about possible duplicate charges if credit card processing times out (and a tip to increase the time out setting to avoid duplicate charges).  
·Added Online Reservation support for Friend Communications (a.k.a. Reservation Friend) online requests via E-mail, with a default template already set up.  
·Updated Zip Code and Postal Code data (1071 new U.S. zip codes, 9763 new Canadian postal codes).  
·Added an option to allow Guest reservations to be checked in before their host, and checked out after their host. This is disabled by default, go to Program Options / Reservations to enable it. Note that the dates of guest reservations must still be within the host's dates -- this option simply allows them to arrive in any order on the first day (or depart in any order on the last day).  
·Allow the Reservation Type to be changed to or from an Owner type, in Reservation Details. Previously this was not allowed since the status for each type was incompatible, but now it can be done and the proper status is set.  
·Added Export to Web link format options for different date formats: <date-dmy>, <date-mdy> and <date-ymd>.  
·Importing - Added a GuestTracker status field option, to convert their status to Campground Master status.  
·Importing - Added Import ID fields for customers and reservations, so that data from separate customer, reservation, and transaction files can be easily imported as long as they have relational links in them.  
·Importing - Allow importing deposits as simple amounts, without requiring any other Transaction data fields to be present. (If only an Amount field is defined, it's assumed to be a deposit balance.)  

·When auto-formatting mixed case names, don't capitalize "and" in between names, like "John and Mary".  
·Added an option to auto-open the cash drawer when a payment is entered (without printing the receipt), and also show "Change Due" whenever cash drawer is opened.