Cleaning Out Old Transactions & Balances

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Q: We have a lot of old junk and unreliable transaction information in our system, with a ton of reservations showing balances that shouldn't be there.  It would take forever to go through and fix everything shown incorrectly in the Payments Due report.  Is there an easy way to just clear out all of those transactions and start over as of a certain date?


A. Version 9.2 has a new "Extreme" option on the Purge Old Data function that can help.  Normally a Purge will not remove anything with a balance, but the "Extreme" options ignore balances and do a clean sweep of everything prior to the date you select.  You should select the Extreme options under both Transactions and Reservations (in addition to the other options in those sections) to remove the reservations prior to the selected date as well -- otherwise some might still have balances due to transactions straddling the cut-off date.


See here for details:



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