Finding an old receipt

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(From Newsletter #47, Feb 4, 2019)

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Q: How do I quickly find an old receipt to reprint? I can find it under raw data, but it is not in a printable version.


A: As of version 11.0, there is a "Find Receipt" function under the Transactions menu which should be able to locate it easily (in previous versions, this was only available for P.O.S. receipts).  Simply use that function to look up the receipt/invoice #, or by date and description of a transaction in it, etc.  This will list matching transactions.  (See below for older version notes.)


Once you find the transactions and open it, if it's for a Reservation then you will get the Transactions dialog showing all of the reservation's transactions, not just that "receipt".  However you can use "Print Only Some transactions" with the Date Range selected if you need only a particular day's transactions, for instance.  That's as close to a "specific receipt" you can get.



Notes for older versions:


It depends on who much information you have about it.  If you have reservation or customer information, you could use Find Reservation or Find Customer, and from the Resv/Cust Details go to New/Edit Transactions.


If you know only know the receipt #, use the Transactions tab in Details mode (it helps to know the date so you can show only that date, which you can get from Raw Data Tables if you've already found it there):


Make sure the Receipt # (or Invoice #) column is showing (see Detail Options).


Once you locate it, right-click and select Transactions to get to the transactions dialog where you can print a receipt.


Note that in versions prior to 10.0 it's not possible to exactly print an "old" receipt, e.g. for a reservation or customer, if later transactions have been added already.  In 10.0 and later versions you can use "Print Only Some transactions" with the Date Range selected if you need only a particular day's transactions, for instance.



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