Getting the "Apply changes from logs" option back

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(From Newsletter #49, Feb 27, 2023)

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Prior to version 11.3, if Campground Master noticed changes in the log files that are not in the database (due to restoring an older database or an improper shut-down), it would show a prompt "Changes are present in the logs that are not in the database....  Apply changes?"  Since this warning was sometimes ignored or incorrectly answered "No", causing in data loss, version 11.3 was changed to skip the prompt and always apply the changes automatically instead of asking.  This is what you want it to do in most cases (after all, why would you wan to "lose" changes?).  We receive a lot of calls from customers saying that some data was lost, and it's almost always because they did not answer this prompt correctly.


However, there are some cases where you might want to keep it from applying the missing changes:


- Some disastrous change was made that you want to undo by restoring from a backup.


- Something is corrupt in the log files or other situation where it locks up the system when trying to apply changes.


Therefore there are still a couple ways to get the original prompt back so you can answer "No" if needed:


1. Close Campground Master if it's open, then restart it (e.g. from the desktop icon) while holding the Shift key down.  Make sure you press the Shift key before clicking the  icon, and hold it down until Campground Master is fully started (a prompt appears or you see the Rack screen showing that the database is loaded).  This is a temporary function -- it will re-enable showing the prompt when appropriate until you close Campground Master again.


2. You can permanently restore the prompt by adding a setting in the Campground Master.ini file (found in the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Campground Master\ folder).  Add the following line in the [Main] Section:




If you're not familiar with editing .ini files, please have your computer tech do it.



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