How to find a reservation by phone number

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Q: How can I find a reservation by phone number?


A: The phone number is part of the Customer information, not the Reservation information (refer to the documentation for a description of relational database organization) -- so you can't directly use Find Reservation for this.  Instead, go to Customers / Find Customer.  This function allows you to search by phone number as well as several other fields (selected in the "Filter by" drop-down list).  Once you find the customer, then you can get to the reservation (in Customer Details, click Reservation History).


Tip: when searching by phone numbers, only enter the digits without punctuation.  When searching it ignores non-digits, so for instance "3015551212" will find a phone number even if it's entered on the customer details as "Home: (301) 555-1212".  However this special case of a digits-only search is only for phone numbers.



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