Per-person camping rate

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Q: We sometimes have a scout group or something similar where we charge $8/person and no site rate.  Any recommendations on how to handle this?


A: You could create a special Reservation Type for it (see the Pick Lists), so you can set up your Rates for that Resv Type to charge $0 for the site in the "Rental Rate" and $8 per person as an "Add-On" rate.  


Or it you wanted to get fancy, you could use the "Using Calculated Expressions for Transaction Values" functionality to have it calculate the total right in the Rental Rate.  See the Rates Setup documentation for details on this, it involves Advanced Customizations so is not part of standard support.  But just as a hint, using an expression for the Qty to charge for each adult and child would be: ResvNights(Resv()) * (Resv:Resv_Adult + Resv:Resv_Children).  Then just put $8 in for Each.



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