Adding 2 or more documents to E-mails

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Q: Is there a way to attach 2 (or more) documents to an E-mail?


A: Yes, you can do this a couple ways.


1. When adding the first file, it does allow multiple selection at once (if they're in the same folder) using "Shift-click", and then click Open to add all selected.


2. If you already have Attached file(s) selected, click the "Browse" button again to select more (or if you're defining a Form with attachments, click "Attach File(s)" again)....


You'll see a message asking if you want to keep the current document and select additional file(s). Click Yes to confirm, and select the next file(s) to attach.



Note:  If you're not yet familiar with how to attach files to E-mail, see the documentation:


When sending single E-mails:


When defining a custom Form (or to modify the standard E-mail forms to add attachments every time):




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