Wait-listing Customers

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Q: Can we wait-list customers?


A: Yes, you can select that when making the Reservation -- just click the Waiting List button.  This is described in the New Reservation documentation:


Waiting List / Can't Book


If the customer did want to stay but you could not find a suitable vacant site, then you should use either the Waiting List button or Cannot Book button, depending on whether the customer wants to be notified if something becomes available.  It's recommended that you use one of these rather than just canceling the reservation without saving it, so that you have some useful statistics later on.  Also, if they call back later and you do have an opening at that time, then you already have their information and can re-activate the reservation easily (see the Non-Reserved tab view).



You can then get a list of the customers on the waiting list using the Non-Reserved tab:






Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/news/wait-listing-customers.html

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