Version 10.0 Release Notes

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These release notes list all changes since the version 9.2 release.


To upgrade to this release, you only need to install it over your current version.  There is no need to uninstall the previous version.  Any previous versions will be upgraded automatically -- you do not need to install previous upgrades before this one, and all of your data and settings will be retained.  It will make some automatic changes to your database to bring it up to date, so there may be a slightly longer delay the first time you open it.



Upgrades License Expiration Note: To use this version, your free-upgrades license must be current through 12 / 2018 (December 2018).  To check your free-upgrades license expiration date, go to View / Product Authorizations and check the "Upgrades free through" date.



Networking Note: Be sure that all workstations are upgraded at the same time (shut down all workstations, upgrade all of them, then restart them one by one starting with the master workstation).


Previous Versions Note: You will not be able to go back to using your database with your previous version of Campground Master once you start using this version.



Most Significant Enhancements:


Added Meter History to sites, with reporting, "Undo" support, re-batching, and more.

For details, go to Reports / Electric Meter Readings (or other meter readings), and press F1 for help.

Updates whenever a new reading is entered

If charges are added through Meter Readings report, then it saves the amount charged also.  Will NOT do that if added any other way, e.g. individually with Select Rates

Electric/Gas/Water Meter Reading Report changes:

Button to View Meter Reading History -- shows total history for all sites (can filter by date or site)

Right-click in the meter list to view history for a single site

Checkbox to Show Previous -- shows reading & date before a new reading was entered, or if no new Batch reading entered yet then shows "History:" reading if available

Once charges are added for new readings, a "Charges" column will appear showing the amount charged for each reservation.

"Undo readings"  Button to revert selected readings to the previous readings...

If charges were added for them, it can also delete the new charges (optional)

Access levels control whether you can undo readings from today, up to 7 days, or older, with or without transactions

Can Undo previous readings & transactions even if they weren't done in this "session", e.g. after closing the dialog and coming back in

If you close the dialog without printing or E-mailing invoices, then when you come back in and click a "Print" or "E-mail" button (BEFORE adding more new readings), it will offer to add the most recently added readings/charges to the batch -- allowing you to retrieve the last set of new readings/charges to print


Added option in Program Options / Monthlies to specify "month" to mean a specific number of days

For details, go to Maintenance / Program Options / Monthlies, press F1 for help

Changes the "+1M" button to e.g "+30"

Changes "Extend 1 month" to e.g. "Extend 30 days"

Changes the functions for setting the automatic initial length (and block-to date) of a "Monthly" reservation

Changes the function for the auto-calculation length of a "Monthly" reservation (including Monthly Billing)


Added "Reservation Restrictions" & Reminder functionality

For details, go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Reservation Restrictions, press F1 for help

Configure similar to Rates (conditions it applies to), select from various types of restrictions

Checked whenever a new reservation is created or changes made to a resv, allows showing a warnign and/or aborting the changes

Can also be used as custom reminders when making reservations ("Use as reminder only" flag)


Added "Deposit Definitions" to auto-calculate the amount of deposit  

For details, go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Deposits, press F1 for help

Configure similar to Rates (conditions it applies to), select from various types of calculation

Can automatically set the "Amount of deposit" when entering Deposit, or can use an "Auto-Set" button so it's semi-automatic

Access level for allowing the calculated amount to be overridden


Added option to post-date Charges and Dep Applied to the check-in date, to keep them off reports (and not exported to QB) until then.  

For details, go to Maintenance / Program Options / Transactions, press F1 for help

Also option (if post-dating) to save transactions done in Quote/Confirmation -- so they can do the Deposit, etc there, and save the post-dated rates/charges added

Post-dated transactions show in grey text, and become "real" when the resv is checked in (or if the date is changed manually)

Added Transaction filter option to include Post-dated transactions (normally excluded)


Allow entering a temporary (e.g Manager) override log-in while in key dialogs -- Edit Customers/Reservation/Site, Transactions, Enter Payment/Deposit/Charge/Refund/etc

Right-click the caption bar and select "Temporary Operator Override" to log in.  Will revert to the previous operator when that dialog is closed.


Allow overriding Meter "wrap-around" numbers for individual sites, so you don't have to create duplicate Park records to do that.  

For details, go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Sites, Edit Site, click the Meter Wraps button

Note: may require changes to any Site Details dialog customizations due to moved/added controls


Allow setting Check in/out times for individual sites, so you don't have to create duplicate Park records to do that.  

For details, go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Sites, Edit Site, click the Check in/out times button

Note: may require changes to any Site Details dialog customizations due to moved/added controls


Added a "Find text" function to all grids to deep-search records.

For details, see the Find Text documentation attached to this release note.

Press Ctrl-F to start a search (on tab views, must click on the grid first and use Ctrl-Shift-F).

F3 to find Next (or Prev if searching "Up").  On tab views, use Ctrl-Shift-F3.

Use "Search All record data" option to search all data fields of the shown records, with option to search linked (related) records also.

Filters like Reservation filter, Site filter, etc can also include text filtering to search all fields of the records.


Added iCalendar (iCal) file support:

For details, go to Maintenance / Online Reservations / Other Online Interfaces / iCal Profiles, press F1 for help, and scroll down to the Further Topics list.

Can auto-attach iCal files to E-mail confirmations (eg. so the guest can add to their Google Calendar)

"Include iCal file" checkbox added to Forms (Edit Form definition, if it's an E-mail form)

Can export and upload iCal files

Added "Export to iCal files" under File / Export

Can download and import reservations from iCal files

iCal option added under Retrieve Online Reservations

Added "iCal file" selection for Parsing Sets

Added "iCal Profiles" setup under Online Reservations / Other Online Interfaces

iCal configuration fields added to Site data fields


Made major improvements to the Networking system to make synchronizing smoother, and corrected many problems that would previously cause synchronization issues


Added more multi-threading support to do certain functions as background tasks

Certain tasks have been moved to the background to avoid user interface "lockup":  Auto-backup, Auto-save database, Sending full database (on server)

Queries -- Faster filtering and overall refresh.  

Audit trail -- up to 8x faster decompressing "old" entries

New function, View / Background tasks/threads (to see what's running and configure # threads, options for disabling and logging

Networking -- when syncing changes (e.g. when first connecting) or sending a full database, handle with threads and by sending the changes in small chunks so it won't lock up server if a client is far out of date



Other General Changes:


Updated Zip Codes and Postal Codes lookup to the latest data


Added '8' as a valid Discover card starting digit (for UnionPay merger)


Cash Drawer Setup -- added "USB0" port option


Added a Cash Drawer option to open the drawer through another workstation (so for instance a cash drawer on one WS could be opened by the other workstations, allowing one USB or direct-to-port drawer to be shared).


Rearranged the Form Selection dialog (e.g. for "Send E-mail form") to make it harder to miss the selection of which transactions to show/print.


Find Cust/Resv by last name -- look for any *word* starting with the entered text, not just the very beginning, so for instance multiple last names can be entered and search will find them.


Made a huge speed improvement in Audit Trail viewing, especially when there are large entries.


Added options for whether to warn about Paid-Thru date not set for partial payments (in addition to the Full payments options there before)


Added options for whether to warn about Paid-Thru date not set for Deposit transactions (so it can handle those differently than Payment transactions)


Don't allow client to join if its UTC time is too different than the server (the # of seconds allowed is set in Network Setup, 120 default)


Added "View record's fields" button to Audit Trail Entry Details, to view all fields for the record referenced by the audit entry, and see the date/time last changed.  This is also handy for seeing the details of "Record Added" entries, for instance, or for record types that don't have a "View Selected Entry's Record" option


Added Network Functions / View all record locks, to see what records each WS has locked (from master only)


Added option for defaulting "Use Prefs" to checked and selecting the previous Site Type when Changing Site (or adding linked resvs).  (Shoudl solve problem of people not seeing the site they need to select when switching sites / splitting)


Added functions under File / Printer Setup (and separate access levels for them):

Refresh printer selections (helpful if a printer is plugged into a different USB port or re-installed)

Reset ALL printer configurations to use the Windows default printer (helpful if previous configuration is causing problems)


Added option in Program Option / Transactions, if auto-printing, to Use the default in Printing Options (on each WS)


Allow setting Access Level settings and Tab View levels to "(logged out)", to allow customized access when nobody is logged in.


Added option to the Transactions tab view, Detail Options to Show the "average" amount as the total of the Each field column (else no total is shown for Each)


Added options under Credit Cards / Security to automatically remove cc info from transactions on checkout or cancel (previously only had this option for Guarantee info):

Remove credit card information from all Transactions after check-out (if zero balance)

Remove credit card information from all Transactions after cancel (if zero balance)


Added "Edit Form" button on Reservation and Customer batch Printing and E-mailing dialogs, so a selected form (if it's a custom form) can be modified without leaving the current function (e.g. printing or E-mailing electric invoices or monthly billing)


Added option to only auto-open drawer on Cash payments (not just All payments)


Added "View Fields" button on Raw Data Tables (and Pick List) dialogs, to show all fields on one record in a table with last-changed dates (for diagnostic purposes)


Added a separate Auto-Rates option for auto-calculating when opening Quote/Confirmation (so it can be different than when doing Check Rates)


Transaction dialog "show details", Raw Data Tables, and View Field List functions -- include the seconds for any Time fields shown (HH:MM:SS, not just HH:MM)


Skip the initial "Delete selected transactions?" prompt when trying to Void a cc transaction.


Skip the initial "Delete selected transactions?" prompt if there are errors preventing deleting them anyway.


For X-Charge Xpresslink users, allow CVV code entry when entering card for Guarantee -- used for Vaulting, but not saved in Campground Master.  (Usefulness depends on whether it's saved by X-Charge)


Changed the "Re-do swipe" button to "Re-enter / Re-swipe" on payment entry dialogs.


Credit card processing -- Added "EMV field selections", to select which EMV fields appear on receipts instead of always showing all of them (access settings through the Xpresslink Settings or MerchantWare Settings).

If using custom forms, import the updated custom forms helper script RcptCCEMVInfo (import script from Samples to update)


Networking Setup / Timing - Added setting for block size when sending files (like full database), and default to 128K instead of 1000K previously used, to allow responsiveness between blocks


Added "date last updated" to the Program Options / Zip Codes info


Change the default access level required for all "Edit" or "Delete transaction" (except current) to Administrator instead of Manager. (Adjust throgh Maintenance / Park Setup / Access Levels.)


Changed "Item Description" field in Transactions to just "Description", to avoid confusion with the POS Inventory "Item Description" field.


Allow setting a secondary auto-backup location (Program Options / Database), e.g. to a cloud drive or external drive.  Note that it does NOT auto-delete older backups from the secondary location.  The user must manage clean-up themselves if needed.  Also note that this setting is computer-specific (set on one or multiple PC's, and must re-enter if changing PC's)


Added "Check for Updates" function under the Help menu, and button on "About" dialog -- will check for new version and optionally download and run the installation.


Added font Thickness and Custom Font Name settings to Program Options / Formats for the grid and tab fonts


Added network function to "Initiate a full network resynchronization", to do it in a single step from the master.


Program Options / Reservations -- Added option "Show Available" also affects Quick-Pick selections (defaults to True), to limit the Quick-Pick list of sites on New Reservation to the sites available for the dates, etc (matching the grid).  Uncheck that option to revert to the previous functionality of showing all sites even if not available for the selected dates.


Added Sub-total (before taxes) to the Select Rates and Check Rates dialogs, and made rates list slightly larger


Added a new option to "Print transactions between dates" when printing only some transactions (instead of only being able to print "since" a given date").


Added option to save Rate Type selection in Select Rates as the default (separate for each WS, and separate for Resv, Cust, and Unbound transactions), instead of always starting with Rental/Add-on type for instance.


Add "(Print/Export list or Batch E-mail)" to the right-click menu wording for Reservation E-mail List (under Print or E-mail for all shown reservations)


Add "(Print/Export list or Batch E-mail)" to the right-click menu wording for Customer E-mail List (under Print or E-mail for all shown reservations)



Advanced Customization changes:


Added expression function SendEmailForRec() so the record can be passed to it, so the E-mail Sent will show up in that record's audit trail


Added expression functions to support text searching of records: SearchRecord, SearchRecordDetails, SearchPrepare, and SearchText.


Added expression function SendTextMessageToWorkstation() to allow sending a message (or custom command) to another Workstation.  Added an Event Action "Text Message Received" to allow processing that message in a script, etc when it's received.  Together, these allow customizable inter-workstation communications and operations, possibly even a user-to-user text messaging system.


Fixed Dialog definitions so you can have 2 "Action on Data Saved" or "Action on Cancel" elements: one set to process "before" and one set to process "after"


Journal Entries -- Enhanced Customizability, like was done for Work Orders in a previous version:

Added Print button to Edit Journal Entry -- will either print the raw record (grid format) or select a custom Form created for journal entries.

Added Define Data Fields / Journal Entries to allow customizing journal entries

Add any custom fields to the View Journal list

Allow creating custom Dialog Definitions for Edit Journal Entry

Added a Sample Form -- Journal Entry (Import Dialog defs)

Added "EditJournalEntry()" expressions function


Advanced Customization additions to support Meter History:

Expression functions to get last or previous reading history records:







Added new context functions for using in Rates definitions, to get meter prev & new reading and date if needed for calculations or description.





e.g. Description expression to show like "8/1/18 to 9/1/18 : 3330...3550 (220 kWh)" :

       =DateToText(ThisRateMeterDatePrev()) + " to " + DateToText(ThisRateMeterDate()) + " : " + Str(ThisRateMeterPrev()) + "..." + Str(ThisRateMeterNew()) + " (" + Str(ThisRateQtyMeter()) + " kWh)"


Additions to support Reservation Restrictions:

New events for restrictions:

New reservation restrictions check, before

New reservation restrictions check, after (passed)  (called IF passed all restrictions -- can still return .F. to abort)

New reservation restrictions check, after (failed)  (called IF it failed any restrictions)

oThese are called for each resv (site/etc), as a temporary reservation (valid fields but not part of the DB yet)

Changing Reservation, restrictions check, before

Changing Reservation, restrictions check, after (passed)   (called IF passed restrictions -- can still return .F. to abort)

Changing Reservation, restrictions check, after (failed)  (called IF it failed any restrictions)

oThese are called for the reservation being changed, with a temporary record (copy) being validated

Added expression function: ResvCheckRestrictions (rRecord, nLevel, fSilenceError, fSilenceWarning, fFailOnWarning )

Added expression function: ResvCheckRestriction (rRecord, rRestriction, nLevel, fSilenceError, fSilenceWarning, fFailOnWarning )


Added expression functions to help file manipulation (already had DatabasePath and DatabaseFilename):











Added expression functions for checking/removing cc info:















Added expression function for Deposit Definition support: ResvCalcDeposit(pResv), which can be used on confirmation E-mails, etc. to show the amount of deposit due


Added expression function for post-dating transactions support: TranIsPostDated(pTran)


Added functions to support iCal file import and export:  ExportToiCal, CheckOnlineRequestsiCal



Bug Fixes:


Fixed slow duplicate-site-validation after editing sites


Fixed so customer notes are not overwritten with resv notes if we're just changing sites or adding a linked reservation


Fixed Network setup to allow an URL instead of an IP address, in case a custom DNS is set up (was broken in v9.2)


Fixed a bug with Quick-Filter auto-builder for reservation filters including linked reservations


Fixed Audit Trail "Record added" entries for transactions to also have the resv & cust references, so they show up for resv/cust audit trails


Fixed Audit Trail "Credit card processed" entries to have the resv & cust references, so they show up for resv/cust audit trails


Fixed the "Add dates to rates" and "Add dates to sites" functions to work if the Special Dates Unavailable field is disabled.


Fixed auto-rates when calculating multi-month periods with rates that have season dates so they are calculated for the correct months


Added UTC offset and absolute time value to logs & network sync, for better synchronization across time zones.


Audit Trail will now show the proper "local" time of changes, even if done on a WS in a different time zone.  Entry detail dialog will show the UTC offset (and raw time code in [brackets])


Track time-last-changed for each field, use that to validate changes if the previous value different (should help fix orphans and other net sync issues)


Fixed Audit Trail filter issue where some Entry Type selections were not remembered when modifying the filter


Eliminated extra screen refreshes (e.g. Rack) after going into Reservation Details, Customer Details, or Transactions, when nothing actually changed requiring a refresh


Fixed a major (potential) database issue if record ID's wrap around after 10 million (which would only be an issue for corrupted databases, but we have seen some examples of such cases that were getting close to wrapping around).  Now they can wrap, and will use the next empty slot.  In the process, made loading much more efficient, and also use memory much more efficiently in the cases where corruption causes enormous record ID's


Fixed an auto-rates bug that doubled add-on rates if there were 2 applicable rates using the same "Applies if field" setting


Pick Lists - when adding new records, default the Enabled field to "Yes"


Fixed transactions handling when canceling linked reservations -- if the linked master is canceled, move transactions to the new master instead of staying on the canceled reservation


Fixed network bug causing Network Sync Errors / Alerts on "Setting" type fields that have line breaks in them (e.g. Receipt/Confirmation text)


Fixed so it doesn't allow opening backups directly, or at least shows the warning


Fixed Meter Reading reports so they don't show Inactive sites


Fixed "Resv_Departure_Date" pseudo-field definition as used in expressions


Fixed to allow adjusting the date for POS transactions on Reservation Transactions (or Customer Transactions), assuming sufficient access level


Fixed Payment entry with previous card info -- don't disable CVV and address fields if we have raw info to submit, so those can be entered without clearing card information


Added a button "Update Exp" to Enter Payment and Edit Guarantee dialogs, to allow changing just the expiration date without requiring the card number and name to be re-entered.  Note that this is only an option if the full card number is known (even if it's shown as masked), so that new card information may be submitted.  Therefore this will not be available if your configuration is not allowing the card information to be saved, or the information is not available due to using an EMV reader for processing.


Fixed -- If go to POS from Resv Trans, pay cash with change due, then close POS and close Resv Trans, the Change Due was showing up again in Resv Trans.


Fixed Register-Style statement to show the correct Statement Total if not using "Show Previous Balance"


Fixed so it won't save DB immediately when closing a sub-dialog (while still in some other dialog) even if delay is set to 0 (causes annoying delays mid-operations)


Fixed Pick Lists dialogs so the F1 key will open Pick List help instead of Raw Data Tables help


Fixed - if only one E-mail forms enabled but it has Transactions, it wasn't showing the Select Form dialog to allow selecting which transactions to include.


Fixed -- multiple-year rates (e.g. Rate is per 5 years) was multiplying twice


Fixed -- rates for too many total days could result in overflow of going past 2038



Changes after initial 10.0 release:




Fixed issue with Rack, etc not updating automatically after a receipt is printed (e.g. when payments made).




Fixed issue with Select Rates calculations for the # days, if a daily rate applies only to certain weekdays




Fixed it so that CVC & address fields are not disabled when a credit card Payment Method is selected for manual entry




Fixed it so that the tab view controls are properly re-enabled when automatically logging in after a Restore operation




Fixed new Settings functionality so it doesn't reset "blank" settings to the original defaults (e.g. default ETA for reservations).


Fixed problem with Assign/Change site not keeping Block-to date checked


Attempt to solve disk Windows access level issue (for some users) when sending full database, and show more details in logs




MCPS / Paysafe credit card refund processing -- Include previous transaction ID as required starting May 1st, 2019




Fixed -- POS "Debit" not selecting Debit card method automatically (only applies to OpenEdge/X-Charge users with Debit card processing enabled)


Fixed credit card refund processing so that if "Never save cards" set and thus has no credit card # information for the transaction, it can still use the Trans ID from the payment to do the refund


Fixed credit card processing for Cayan so that it does NOT skip the trans ID if it has the full card # info (the previous payment trans ID is always needed now)


Allow selecting a specific payment/deposit transaction to be used as a reference when "Refund" is clicked (instead of always using the last one shown).  This is necessary so it can use that transaction's credit card information (e.g. transaction ID) as reference for the refund in case the most recent payment was not as large as the refund needed, for instance.  This is needed to avoid the "Exceeds sales cap" errors when processing refunds.


Fixed so the Payment Method selection and the Description are cleared when "Re-Enter/scan swipe" button is used, in case the new card is a different type.


Fixed confirmation letters and receipts so if no site is assigned to the reservation, it will get check in/out times from the 1st Park record as a default.


Fixed New Reservation dialog so that the Block-To date is not checked automatically (incorrectly) when the "Nights" field is changed manually.




Fixed a bug that can cause a crash viewing the Audit Trail if it contains a blank (corrupt) entry.




Fixed a bug that can cause a crash viewing the Audit Trail if it contains a blank (corrupt) entry.Fixed bug where the Justification of Data Field Defs was not being saved/loaded if it's changed.


Fixed -- If "Show Available" not checked, inactive sites were still being added to Quick-Pick in New Reservations


Added "(Master)"/"(Client)" (and Connected/Disconnected status if client) to caption bar


Fixed issue with Meter History not using the Reading Date entered when doing a single reading (through Select Rates, etc) -- was using current date


Fixed - If host resv starts 1 day or more before the Guest, and check in host, then check in Guest, it was seeing that as a "previous resv has not checked out".


Fixed Online Reservations (retrieve E-mail) - "encoding" issue with quoted-printable formatting of HTML E-mails (decode E-mail before processing)


Fixed major issue of database not being auto-saved (or auto-backup done) if a dialog is left open, e.g. on an unattended machine.  Now it will force save if no activity every Max-Delay (e.g. 10 minutes) even if a dialog is still open, if a save is pending due to network changes for instance.


Reset default # threads for filters and query columns to 1

 -- fixes crashes on some custom Query reports like Rent Roll which are not thread-safe

 -- fixes slowness issue with some reports

 -- could make some reports slower than they were in initial v10 (back to v9.2 speeds), but this is necessary to fix crashing caused by v10 changes


Fixed issue after full database received by a client where you couldn't click on tab controls, etc (can change tabs, but can't do anything in the tab) until logged in again


Fixed "Waiting for misc threads" deadlock issue if shutting down when threads are still queued, such as when doing an auto-backup (with a Save queued to run next).


If an auto-save is pending, don't bother prompting for whether to save the DB (on close, open another db, etc) -- just do it!


Fix major sync issue if a client's network setup is incorrect (wrong Master ID)


Fix major networking error that can happen when 2 WS's need batched changes at the same time (collision causing one to never get them)

 1. Better handle log file errors -- delay and try again rather then just requesting full DB immediately

 2. Make sure "sending changes" flag gets reset if it can't find all changes needed.


Fixed Audit trail filtering by record type to not show POS receipts printed (should filter as Transaction type)


Fixed POS to not allow Cancel after transactions saved if receipt not printed (unless the "Allow saving w/out printing" option is enabled)


Fixed POS to allow exiting POS w/out printing receipt if no payment/refund entered, e.g. if from Resv Transactions (assuming the "Allow saving w/out printing" option is not enabled).  Only force printing if a payment or refund is entered.


Queries, Forms, etc -- if a field is disabled, show blank text instead of a "0"


Fixed Find Reservations to refresh when changes made to a reservation, e.g. Pending to Confirmed


Fixed Restrictions and Deposits logic so Resv Field and Expression checking works properly when no site is assigned (instead of triggering the restriction or using the deposit when it should not apply)


Forms, Queries, Dialogs, Menus - if a change is made and then use Save & Test, don't allow Cancel (changes have already been saved).


Fixed Ticket Form -- If blank lines (c/r) added to the 2nd part of the notice text (after THE MANAGEMENT), it comes out as "\n" on the receipt.


Fixed receipts -- if not processing cards and not showing sig line, fixed so it doesn't cut off the expiration date


Fixed ticket form to size Site name to fit instead of cutting it off


Fixed confirmation E-mails so that site-specific confirmation text is not double-spaced


Fixed ResvNightsInRange Expression function bug (which could also affect Restrictions conditions!), counting all nights of the resv, no just the overlapping dates




Backup reminder, made a change to help prevent duplicate reminders on same day


Removed the error message if a non-cc-payment selected when doing refund




Fixed a delay (e.g. in Rack painting) when looking for bad links to deleted records


Added additional logging for support purposes




Fixed a potential major delay in logging if the Public Documents folder permissions keep it from writing logs




Fixed "View fields" in Raw Data Tables to allow selecting a row, not just one cell (was getting error  "select one and only one" when it shouldn't)


Fixed Access level name for E-mail database & logs (it's in Help, not Maintenance)


Removed Program Options / Database option to check logs (should always do it)


Removed the QuickBooks export warnings about "taxable" and "Auto-tax" not being selected, since now they should NOT be selected for QB 2019


Allow a way out of the Auto-Rates column lockup issue -- Don't disable the Auto-Charge and Auto-Balance options column options in Arrivals/Departures/On Site/Payments Due tabs if auto-rates are disabled -- instead, put option name in parenthesis or show "disabled", and in the columns put [disabled] instead of calculating.  Now can disable auto-rates, clear the column options, and then re-enable auto-rates.


Fixed so payment categories can be changed without requiring Access Level for "Edit manual transactions once saved" (require only the separate Access Level for "Manually select one or more categories for payments")


POS Inv setup, Inv Item Setup: "Add Gen Item Discount to items" -- if no item selected to add and then click OK, show "none selected" instead of asking to add them.  (same with Remove)




Made a change that will allow most "unknown" new fields in a later version to be loaded, to allow reverting from a later version back to this one in most instances