Adding 3% Credit Card Surcharge

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DISCLAIMER: This article involves Advanced Customizations, which can be technically challenging to get working and is not part of standard support.  This is programming and must be done precisely or the results can be unpredictable.  This information is provided as a service for those who have the technical skills to work through it -- we cannot help you solve any issues with getting it working.  For more information about Advanced Customizations, see the full documentation:




There isn't a way to automatically add a 3% surcharge when paying by credit card, but this shows how to add a button to the Reservation Transactions dialog that will add a 3% Charge with the category "Surcharge" to the current balance.  (If you don't have a Transaction Category called "Surcharge" yet, you will need to add that through the Pick Lists).





Method 1: Import the sample:


If you don't already have dialog definitions for the Transactions dialogs, then you can import the following sample Dialog and it will be done for you.  (This is only available if you've installed version 9.2 or later.)


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Dialogs.


2. Click the Import dialog button, and you'll get a typical Windows file dialog labeled "Import Dialogs".  


3. Locate the samples folder, which is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Campground Master\Samples (most likely you just need to double-click the "Samples" folder to get there).  


4. Select the appropriate file, "Sample Dialogs - Credit Card 3% surcharge button", and click Open.


Also see the caveats below.  


If you need to change the percentage, description, or category, then you will need to manually Edit the elements to change the expressions and the button text as appropriate:


IMPORTANT -- The sample uses the category name "Surcharge".  If you don't already have this in Maintenance / Pick Lists / Transaction Categories, you need to add it.  Make sure the Selection name of the category exactly matches "Surcharge", or else the category must be selected manually each time you use the button.  If you had already added a category but the Selection Name is different, then you need to either change it in your Pick List to match "Surcharge", or if you want it to be different then you can change the expressions in the imported elements (as shown in step 9 below).  The 2nd parameter in the expression ("Surcharge") must use the exact name as the Pick List.



Method 2 - from scratch: For versions prior to 9.2, or if you already have Transactions dialog definitions, follow these steps:


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Dialogs.


2. If you already have a dialog definition for the base dialog "Reservation Transactions", Edit that dialog to add this new element.    Otherwise, click "Add dialog definition", enter a name for it (e.g. "Resv Trans"), check the "Add-on" box, and select "Reservation Transactions"


3. Click "Add element".


4. Select "Add New Control" for the element type.


5. Enter a control name, e.g. "add surcharge".


6. Select the Control Type "Button"


7. Enter a position and size -- this can vary depending on your display settings, but for "normal" settings it should work to use Left=40, Right=245, Width=120, Height=18


8. Enter desired text for the button in Control Text, e.g. "Add 3% surcharge".


9. Click in the Action Expression box and enter the following expression in the Expression Creator:


DlgAddNewTransaction("Charge", "Surcharge", "3% cc surcharge", "", "", "", "", ResvDue(Resv()), .03)


Pay attention to spacing, whether quotes are single or double, etc. -- it must be exact.  If you're viewing this in a format where the line wraps, do not start a new line -- there should be no hard line breaks.   If possible, use Copy/Paste instead of typing it.


10.  Click Save.


11. Now you can use "Save & Test Dialog" to try it out. Be aware that anything done in that test will be real transactions on whatever reservation it opens.


Once satisfied, Save the dialog and Close out of Setup Dialogs.



Now some caveats --


This assumes they're going to pay the entire amount due -- otherwise you will need to manually adjust the Qty of the Surcharge transaction to be the amount they will be paying.


The above steps are just for the Reservation Transactions dialog.  You can add similar functions on other dialogs (Unbound Transactions, Customer Transactions, and POS), but the expression will need to be different.  Change the ResvDue(Resv()) part according to the dialog type:

 For Customer Transactions: CustDue(Cust())

 For Unbound Transactions or POS: DlgTransBal() (requires version 9.2)


The button positions given are for "Normal" Windows text size.  If you use different font size settings, then you will need to manually adjust the button left and Right position.  See step 7 above.


IMPORTANT -- This example uses the category name "Surcharge".  If you don't already have this in Maintenance / Pick Lists / Transaction Categories, you need to add it.  Make sure the Selection name of the category exactly matches "Surcharge", or else the category must be selected manually each time you use the button.  If you had already added a category but the Selection Name is different, then you need to either change it in your Pick List to match "Surcharge", or if you want it to be different then you can change the expressions in the element (in step 9 above).  The 2nd parameter in the expression ("Surcharge") must use the exact name as the Pick List.


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