Reservation Details |
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Control Type Text or control info ID
Static text "Resv type:" 3485
Drop down list Reservation type 2009
Static text "First Night:" 3484
Date selection First Night 1052
Static text "Est. Arrival Time:" 1381
Drop down list Est. Arrival Time 2015
Static text "Last Night:" 3483
Date selection Last Night 1068
Static text "Block Thru:" 1326
Date selection Blocked-to date 1103
Check box "Don't Move" 1098
Check box "Pending" 1499
Check box "Confirmed" 1112
Check box "Guaranteed" 1114
Check box "Checked In" 1110
Check box "Checked Out" 1120
Check box "Inquiry" 1580
Check box "Can't Book" 1119
Check box "Waiting List" 1117
Check box "Cancelled" 1122
Button "Activity History..." 2035
Static text "How found:" 1372
Drop down list How found 1084
Static text "Discount Used:" 3482
Drop down list Discount Used 1142
Static text "Auto-charged Thru:" 2040
Date selection Auto-charged Thru 1106
Static text "Paid Thru:" 3481
Date selection Paid Thru 1107
Check box "Disable automatic rate calculations" 2038
Static text "Notes:" 3480
Edit text Notes 1143
Static text "Adults:" 1350
Edit text Adults 1079
Static text "Children:" 1349
Edit text Children 1080
Static text "Pets:" 1348
Edit text Pets 1081
Button "Assign or Change Site..." 1216
Button "Site Preferences..." 1149
Drop down list Linked Resvs 1825
Button Linked Reservations "View..." 2041
Button Group Leader "View..." 1818
Button "Customer Details..." 1083
Button "Manage Guests..." 1147
Button "Change to a different Customer..." 1814
Button "New / Edit Transactions..." 1239
Button "Transaction History..." 1144
Static text "Extra Veh.:" 1351
Edit text Extra vehicles 1126
Static text "Trailers:" 1352
Edit text Trailers 1127
Static text "Site:" 3478
Edit text (Read-only) Sites 1076
Static text "Customer:" 3477
Edit text (Read-only) Customer name 1077
Edit text Guarantee info 1116
Button "..." 1862
Static text "Number of nights:" 1332
Edit text (Read-only) Nights 1069
Static text "Reserv. Bal." 3476
Edit text (Read-only) Resv balance 1305
Button "|<<" 1031
Button "<< Previous" 1006
Button "Next >>" 1005
Button ">>|" 1032
Button "Save" 1
Button "Cancel" 2
Static text "(Record __ of __)" 1105
Static text "Record ID:" 3475
Static text Record Index 1104
Button "Find..." 1145
Static text "Linked Reservations:" 3474
Button "Print..." 1270
Button "E-mail Form..." 2547
Button "Text Msg..." 4528
Button "Delete" 1030
Static text "Confirmation #:" 1482
Edit text (Read-only) Conf # 1483
Static text "S" 1670
Static text "M" 1671
Static text "T" 1672
Static text "W" 1673
Static text "T" 1674
Static text "F" 1675
Static text "S" 1676
Check box Sunday 1663
Check box Monday 1664
Check box Tuesday 1665
Check box Wednesday 1666
Check box Thursday 1667
Check box Friday 1668
Check box Saturday 1669
Edit text (read only) Cust Bal due 1306
Static text "Cust. Bal." 3473
Edit text (Read-only) Group customer 1816
Static text "Group:" 1817
Static text "Label:" 2696
Edit text Label 2175
Static text "(This is the Master reservation)" 1824
Button Notes "..." 1861
Static text "Bal." 2039
Edit text (Read-only) Guests balance 2036
Static text "Guarantee Info:" 1353
Static text "Guests:" 2047
Edit text (Read-only) Num Guests 2048
Button "Quote / Confirmation" 2063
Button "+Sync'd" 2042
Static text "Period:" 2583
Drop down list First period 2016
Static text "Period:" 2584
Drop down list Last period 2020
Static text "Period:" 2585
Drop down list Block-to period 2021
Static text "Total Periods:" 1557
Edit text (Read-only) Num Periods 1554
Static text "Period:" 2586
Drop down list Charged-thru period 2022
Static text "Period:" 2587
Drop down list Paid-thru period 2023
Static text "Qty:" 2217
Edit text Qty 1318
Button "+Non" 2043
Button "+Sub" 2044
Static text "Hercules order ID___" 4294
Button "Online req. text" 2699
Button "+1D" 2017
Button "+1W" 2018
Button "+1M" 2019
Button "+1Y" 2772
Group Box Transaction Info 3479
Group Box "Status..." 3472
Group Box Customer Info 3471
Icon Warning flag icon 1516
Button "Journal..." 2730
Button "Audit Trail..." 2731
Group box around top customer info 3471
Group box "Status" area 3472
Group box around top transaction info 3479