This category includes any functions related to manipulating text value types, for instance to extract parts of a text string.
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Description: | Convert ANSI cText to OEM characters |
Description: | Appends the contents of a text string to a file (after any existing contents). Note that newline characters in the text are written as carriage return-linefeed pairs. The file must already exist. The filename parameter can either have a complete path or just a filename -- if just a filename, it must be in the same folder as the current database. |
Description: | Converts a single character to its numeric (ASCII) value. Example: 'A' -> 65 |
Arguments: | eTest, eFirst, eLast |
Description: | Returns TRUE if eTest is between eFirst and eLast, non-inclusive -- e.g. Between(2, 2, 3) would return False because 2 is not greater than 2. Arguments can be text, numbers, dates, or boolean (but must all be the same type) |
Description: | Forces an 'Unknown' expression to look like a text expression -- it won't necessarily do conversion, it's simply used to satisfy argument type verifications where a function is used that returns an 'Unknown' type inside a function that requires a 'cText' argument |
Description: | Converts a value into its character equivalent (e.g. ASCII). Example: 65 -> 'A' |
Arguments: | cText, cToReplace, cReplaceWith |
Description: | Translates cText : replaces any cToReplace characters found in cText with corresponding characters in cReplaceWith |
Description: | Converts a numeric value into currency text. Example: 3.5 -> '$3.50' |
Function: CurrencyTextToValue
Result-type: Numeric
Arguments: cText
Description: Converts a text currency value to a numeric value. Example: '$3.50' -> 3.5
Description: | Returns TRUE if the argument is an empty text string, 0 value, invalid date, or FALSE boolean value |
Arguments: | rRecord, cFieldName |
Description: | Gets the text for the given field of a record. Will return an empty string if the field is not normally a text value |
Arguments: | cSearchText, cTextToFind [, nOccurrence] |
Description: | Searches cSearchText for cTextToFind (case sensitive), returns the position where it's found (0 if not found), or the position of the nth occurrence if nOccurrence is specified |
Arguments: | cSearchText, cTextToFind [, nOccurrence] |
Description: | Searches cSearchText for cTextToFind (case insensitive), returns the position where it's found (0 if not found), or the position of the nth occurrence if nOccurrence is specified |
Arguments: | cSearchText, cCharactersToFind [, nOccurrence] |
Description: | Searches cSearchText for any one of the characters in cCharactersToFind (case sensitive), returns the position of the first found (0 if not found), or the position of the nth occurrence if nOccurrence is specified. |
Arguments: | cSearchText, cCharactersToFind [, nOccurrence] |
Description: | Searches cSearchText for any one of the characters in cCharactersToFind (case insensitive), returns the position of the first found (0 if not found), or the position of the nth occurrence if nOccurrence is specified. |
Function: | FindWordStartingWith |
Arguments: | cText, cTextToFind [, bMatchCase] |
Description: | Returns the position of a word starting with cTextToFind in cText (must be the beginning of a word, not just anywhere in the text). Optionally specify whether to match case (default is .F.). Position is 1-based. Returns 0 if not found. |
Arguments: | cFormat, dValue |
Arguments: | cFormat, nValue |
Arguments: | cFormat, nValue |
Description: | Returns TRUE if the character is an alphabetic character (a-z or A-Z) |
Description: | Returns TRUE if the character is a digit (0-9) |
Description: | Returns TRUE if the character is a lower-case alphabetic character (a-z) |
Description: | Returns TRUE if the character is an upper-case alphabetic character (A-Z) |
Arguments: | cText, nCharacters |
Description: | Gets the specified number of left-most characters of the text |
Description: | Returns the length of the text (number of characters) |
Arguments: | cTextWild, cText |
Description: | Returns TRUE if cText matches cTextWild, with '?' and '*' wild-card character support in cTextWild. Case sensitive. |
Arguments: | nStart, nEnd, cPlaceholder, cQuotedExpression [, cQuotedCondition] |
Description: | For each number from nStart to nEnd, executes the quoted expression (with the number replacing the placeholder) and concatenates (appends) the text to the result. Optionally a condition can be specified so that the expression is only evaluated and concatenated if the condition is met for a given number. |
Description: | Converts cText to all lower case |
Arguments: | e1, e2 [,e3 ...] |
Description: | Returns the maximum of any number of arguments. May be used for numbers, dates, boolean or text (case sensitive), as long as all arguments are the same type |
Arguments: | cText, nStartPosition [, nCharactersReturned] |
Description: | Returns a sub-string from cText starting an the given position. A maximum number of characters to extract can optionally be specified |
Arguments: | e1, e2 [,e3 ...] |
Description: | Returns the minimum of any number of arguments. May be used for numbers, dates, boolean or text (case sensitive), as long as all arguments are the same type |
Description: | Converts cText to mixed-case, using the same algorithm as the automatic conversion option for customer fields |
Arguments: | cText, cTextToFind |
Description: | Returns the number of times cTextToFind occurs in cText |
Description: | Convert OEM cText to ANSI characters |
Arguments: | eExpression, nResultSize [, cPadCharacter] |
Description: | Pads the expression on both sides to center it in the given number of characters. Uses spaces for padding unless a padding character is specified. The expression can be text, date, boolean or a number (default formatting will be used if not text). If the resulting text is shorter than the nResultSize, it will be truncated |
Arguments: | eExpression, nResultSize [, cPadCharacter] |
Description: | Pads the expression on the left (front) to result in the given number of characters. Uses spaces for padding unless a padding character is specified. The expression can be text, date, boolean or a number (default formatting will be used if not text). If the resulting text is shorter than the nResultSize, it will be truncated |
Arguments: | eExpression, nResultSize [, cPadCharacter] |
Description: | Pads the expression on the right (end) to result in the given number of characters. Uses spaces for padding unless a padding character is specified. The expression can be text, date, boolean or a number (default formatting will be used if not text). If the resulting text is shorter than the nResultSize, it will be truncated |
Description: | Converts a numeric value into percentage text. Example: 3.5 -> '3.5%' |
Description: | Reads the entire contents of a file into a text string. The filename parameter can either have a complete path or just a filename -- if just a filename, it must be in the same folder as the current database. The maximum file size is 1,000,000 bytes. |
Arguments: | cSearched, cRemove |
Description: | Removes any occurrences of cRemove from cSearched |
Arguments: | cSearched, cRemoveExcept |
Description: | Removes any characters that are not in cRemoveExcept from cSearched (e.g. if cRemoveExcept is '0123456789', will remove any non-digits.) |
Arguments: | cSearched, cRemove |
Description: | Removes any occurrences of any character in cRemove from cSearched (e.g. if cRemove is '0123456789', will remove any digits.) |
Arguments: | cSearched, cSearchFor [, cReplacement] [, nStartPosition] [, nNumberOfOccurrences] |
Description: | Replaces any occurrences (or the specified number of occurrences) of cSearchFor with cReplacement, optionally starting at the nth character if nStartPosition is specified. Example: Replace('ReplaceMyNameThere', 'MyName', 'Joe') -> 'ReplaceJoeThere' |
Arguments: | cSearched, cSearchFor [, cReplacement] [, nStartPosition] [, nNumberOfOccurrences] |
Description: | Replaces any occurrence (or the specified number of occurrences) of any single character in cSearchFor with cReplacement, optionally starting at the nth character if nStartPosition is specified. Example: Replace('Replace~All-Dash_Chars', '~-_', ' ') -> 'Replace All Dash Chars' |
Arguments: | cText, nTimes [,cSeparator] |
Description: | Creates a string of cText repeated nTimes, optionally with a given separator in between each replication |
Arguments: | cText, nCharacters |
Description: | Gets the specified number of right-most characters of the text |
Description: | Returns a text string with the specified number of spaces in it |
Arguments: | nValue [, nLength [, nDecimalPlaces]] |
Description: | Converts a number to text, with an optional specific length and optional number of decimal places. If the length is > 0 it will be left-padded with spaces if possible, or truncated if necessary. If the whole number can't be shown, '###' will fill the length. |
Arguments: | cText, nStartReplacement, nCharactersReplaced, cReplacement |
Description: | Replace a given number of characters, starting with a given position, with the specified text. Example: Stuff('ReplaceMyNameThere',8, 6, 'Joe') -> 'ReplaceJoeThere' |
Arguments: | cTextToParse, cDelimiter, nTokenNum [,fTrim, fEscapes, fDoubleQuotes, fIncludeEmpty, fKeepQuotes] |
Description: | Returns a the 'Nth' token (sub-string) from a delimited string. Optionally trim whitespace, enable chars 'escaped' with '\', handle double-quoted text as single tokens, include empty tokens, or keep the quotes if the token is quoted. |
Description: | Trim spaces from beginning and end of cText |
Function: TrimAllNonDigits
Result-type: Text
Arguments: cText
Description: Extracts digits from text, returning only the digits as text. Example: 'cell (212) 555-1212' -> '2125551212'
Description: | Removes all spaces from the left side of cText |
Description: | Removes all spaces from the right side of cText |
Description: | Converts cText to all upper case |
Description: | Converts text to a numeric value, if possible (up to the first non-numeric character encountered) |
Function: | ValidateEmailAddresses |
Description: | Checks one or more E-mail addresses in cText for being properly formatted (e.g., with no illegal characters, etc). Multiple E-mail addresses should be separated by semicolons (;). Returns error code text if an error is found, else returns empty text.. |
Function: | ValidatePhoneNumber |
Description: | Checks a phone number in cText for being properly formatted according for Program Options / Formats. Returns FALSE if an error is found |
Function: | ValidatePhoneNumberForTexting |
Description: | Checks a phone number in cText for being properly formatted for texting according for Text Messaging Setup. Returns FALSE if an error is found |
Description: | Writes the contents of a text string to a file. Creates the file if necessary, and overwrites it if it already exists. Note that newline characters in the text are written as carriage return-linefeed pairs. The filename parameter can either have a complete path or just a filename -- if just a filename, it must be in the same folder as the current database. |
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