Yahoo settings |
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Yahoo settings are shown below. Note that you must use your Yahoo E-mail address in the From/Reply To address or else it may not work.
Host Name/Address:
Port Number: 465
Use SSL: Checked
Use TLS: Unchecked
Authentication method: Automatic
Username : (your Yahoo login)
Password : (your Yahoo password)
Reminder -- you can only use the yahoo SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an address.
Note: You may also have to go into your yahoo account settings and enable access from 3rd party programs -- Yahoo has a new feature that blocks SMTP until you change a security option. To solve this (details or wording may be slightly different than this description):
1. Sign in if needed.
2. Go to "Account Settings" (e.g. through your avatar icon), then "Account Security" (or use this link):
3. Toward the bottom you will find a setting 'Allow apps that use less secure sign in'. Make sure it's "on" (click to the right end of the slider, it should turn blue). If you don't see this option, then you probably have your Yahoo account set up to sign in with a "Yahoo Account key" or "Security key" instead of a password. In this case, additional steps are required to allow using their SMTP server from Campground Master:
4. Click "Generate App Password" (or "Manage App Passwords") to add a new app password
5. Select "Other App" as the application type (if the type is asked)
6. Enter "Campground Master" for the application name
7. Copy the password it gives you into the Password field in SMTP setup
Additional Topics:
Confirmation E-mail Text & Options
Invoice, Receipt and Statement E-mail text