Prompt Options

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(Accessed through Maintenance / Program Options / Prompts.)


Warn when no site is selected for a new reservation -- When this is set, the user will be warned when making a New Reservation and a site has not been selected.  If you commonly make reservations without assigning a site until they arrive, then you may want to turn off this prompt.  Note that this option is irrelevant if the unassigned reservations are not allowed (see the Functions Options section).


Warn when a reservation is made on an "unavailable" date for a site -- Normally, the program will show a warning prompt if a reservation is made that covers a date that is marked as unavailable for the site.  You can disable this warning if your reservations commonly cover unavailable dates. One example of this would be making a full month reservation for a site that's normally only available weekends, to avoid making 4 separate weekend reservations.


Warn when checking in on a site where the previous reservation is not checked out -- If you need to be strict about using the check-out process in Campground Master, for instance in a motel type of situation, then select this option.  When a Check In is attempted, it will check the previous reservation on the same site (no matter how far back it was supposed to be checked out).  If it hasn't been checked out yet, then a warning will be shown along with the option to abort the check-in.  If desired, you can also set an Access Level for which checking out the previous reservation is required, in which case it will show an error instead of just a warning, and will not allow the check-in.


Warn when checking in on a site marked as 'Dirty' -- Only available if the Site Dirty field is enabled, this will pop up a warning if a check-in is attempted on a site with the "Dirty" flag still set.


Warn when making full/partial payment but Paid-Thru not set (various options) -- Unless the "Automatically set paid-thru" option is set in the Functions options, you will normally get a warning when a payment is made that doesn't result in a zero balance, if the Reservation's Paid-Through date is not set to the Last Night (or Auto-Charged-thru date).  You can turn off that warning for by disabling one or more of these options, for whether it's done for full or partial payments, monthly or non-monthly reservations (based on the Reservation Type), and for Payment or  Deposit transactions -- each combination can be set separately.


Show a Reminder if the Customer has a usable credit balance, when making a new Reservation (also an option to show when checking in) -- Select this if you want a reminder to be shown if the customer has a credit balance that could be transferred to the reservation (e.g. a Deposit, Payment Transfer, etc that exists on the Customer record, not part of some other reservation, that was put there to hold a customer credit for a future reservation).


... and offer to perform the transfer immediately, if possible and appropriate -- Select this it you also want to be able open the Transfer function when the reminder is shown that a credit is available to transfer.  "Possible and appropriate" means that there are times when it won't be able to, for instance if the operator doesn't have access to the transfer function, or if the reservation will not have charges yet so that a Payment transfer would result in Uncategorized receipts.


Ask for confirmations for simple reservation changes and actions -- If you're sure-fingered enough to not require prompts for every right-click action on the Rack, etc., then you can turn off these prompts to save time.


Ask if staying the same number of nights when the start date is changed on the Rack -- This prompt is enabled by default, and will appear any time the start date (First Night) is changed as a result of an action on the Rack.  This will apply to changing the start date directly with the Advance Next Reservation and This is New Start Date functions, but can also be as a result of a Check In function if the reservation does not already start today.  The prompt will ask if the customer is still staying the same number of nights, and if answered "Yes", it adjusts the ending reservation date automatically.  If this is usually the case, it will save the added step of adjusting the end date manually.  If this is not often the case, you may choose to disable this prompt.



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